Reasons for Hope Reasons to Live: Preventing Youth Suicide

DVD, 2015, Grades 7-College, Human Relations Media, 26 minutes This DVD emphasizes the hopeful message that suicides can be prevented. It focuses on preventive measures students can take if they are having thoughts of suicide or know others who are at risk. Featuring real stories of young people who found help after making an attempt or having had suicidal ideation, the program will help young people recognize the importance of seeking help and identifying trusted adults. Warning signs are presented and youth are informed of the importance of not keeping a secret when a friend is at risk. A second feature is second DVD directed at parents and teachers. A leading suicide prevention expert dispels common misperceptions, describes how to identify at-risk students, and emphasizes what parents and teachers can do to prevent suicides. A 32-page teachers’ resource book is included with student activities, pre/post tests, fact sheets, learning objectives and more.

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