(DVD) 2010, Adult-Professional, 40 minutes, Hazelden. This DVD is an educational resource for mental health or addiction professionals who would like to learn how to initiate and maintain a Double Trouble in Recovery (DTR) group for clients who have both a substance abuse disorder and a severe mental health disorder. DTR is the only evidence-based, peer-led, peer support group created for those with co-occurring disorders. It is also for clients who would like to become a peer leader of a DTR group. It offers important perspectives on the essential nature of peer recovery for clients with co-occurring disorders. Topics include the importance of peer recovery groups in helping clients overcome stigma, develop socialization skills, and support each other in appropriate medication use as well as defining the roles of both professionals and peer leaders. Featured are professionals and DTR group members who are in various stages of healing from co-occurring disorders. DVD is best used with accompanying curriculum and CD-ROM including all the tools to help professionals establish and maintain DTR groups called, “How to Start a Double Trouble in Recovery Group” (a guide for professionals).